WhenTao Porchon-Lynch asked me to compose the music to accompany her new book of yogic meditations and poems, I was honored and delighted. 93 year old Tao (as of 2018, she is she is 100!) is a much-celebrated yoga master, writer, and competition ballroom-dancer! I produced an album of music, Tao’ poetry, and guided meditations. The CD accompanies Tao’s first book, book Reflections: the Yogic Journey of Life which was under consideration for the 2013 Grammy ballot. Tao has been a dear friend of mine or many years, and we are both thrilled and excited about this project and our collaboration. The album can be streamed on Spotify and is available for digital download at www.bandcamp.com, If you are interested in a book and physical CD, please contact me at valerie@valrockmusic.com.