Groove Into Bliss
Groove Into Bliss: Healing Concert is a name for coming together in the spirit of awakening, expanding, opening into BEING-NESS! Combining music, inspirational words, guided imagery, and other modalities, “Bliss” is a forum for “enlightened entertainment” with intention and purpose!
Following the format of STILL, CHILL, THRILL, the music and performance is consciously geared toward creating a personal experience of transformation. The energies embedded in the sounds are healing and uplifting, and by using intentions your thoughts and prayers are amplified by consciously aligning with the group energy. This is the Art of the Future; a blissful and enjoyable modality of Holistic Healing Arts for health and wellness.
“Heart-centered gatherings like this activate waves of positive energy to uplift ourselves and our world. My collection of original music includes many genres,” explains Valerie. “I compose and perform funky dance tunes (THRILL) with a positive message, as well as meditation music for deep relaxation and inner journey (STILL). And in between is (CHILL) groovy music for feeling good, moving through life, setting intentions and imagining our wondrous lives!
Join us at our LIVE or VIRTUAL GROOVE INTO BLISS concerts; where we relax, relieve tension, find our inner oasis, set intentions/prayers, dance and sing, using music to uplift our lives!
Filled with high-vibe music, sound healing, inspiring songs, meditations, Kirtan, interviews with thought leaders & philosophers, we will share ideas and practices for co-creating PEACE & HARMONY in our ever-changing world!
We are not alone! Join the collective of like-minded people creating our reality with thoughts, words and actions! Share the joy of music, share inspiration, riding WAVES of kindness, love & compassion bringing forth the possibilities of PEACE IN OUR HEARTS and PEACE IN OUR WORLD!
This is your HEADQUARTERS to RIDE THE WAVE OF HEALING MUSIC, opening our minds to the possibility of a more peaceful and compassionate world).
Join our YouTube channel with original music: STILL music for meditation, CHILL-music for activation and THIRLL- music for celebration.
FOR OUR FREE CONCERT and the month-long schedule of “Peace Trail” talks, workshops & meditations, which will be aired on Awake TV, Facebook, YouTube & other platforms TBD.
ADD YOUR VOICE! Together, we will strengthen and activate our collective ideals. Email us or comment below, and share your vision for what you would like to create. And groove to the music with us!