Here is a copy of my answers to the induction questionnaire. I offer this as a way to further get acquainted.
Please tell us ANYTHING about you that could help you open doors in the music business and sell yourself when networking! Examples: Previous collaborations with successful writers, commercial releases (big or small), friends in the biz etc.–
I have 3 albums of “healing music” out there, and my second album won a few awards (COVR awards for Best Meditation and Best New Age , ZMR for best World-Fusion, nominated by IMA (independent Music Awards) for Best New Age album, nominated By Global Peace Songs.
– I have collaborated with the late Tao Porchon-Lynch, 101 year old Yogi and Yoga instructor and producer. I own the rights to many of her spoken word guided meditations and poetry, and am planning to use these files in future music releases. We did an album together called “Reflections: the Yogic Journey of Life” but I have taken it off platforms to wait for a better opportunity/use.
– Over my 30 years leading my dance band “The Starlight Orchestra” I have been chosen to perform for Clive Davis’ private events, the wedding of Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta Joes, private parties for Jimmy Buffet, a Presidential Inaugural Ball, Kentucky Derby, Super Bowl events, many art museums and high profile charity balls. With that said, I can’t contact any of them and ask for favors, although they would know me if my name came up.
– I had a song synced in a film called “Sedona: the Movie”
-I have 3 albums out of (mostly) instrumental mediation/new age/world music. Discography below.
-I did an online show during the pandemic called “Groove into Bliss,” pairing music and mindfulness.
-I’ve coined the term “STILL CHILL THRILL” to express the multi-groove nature of my music and to illustrate how music can express and encourage the full spectrum of states of being, and in my concerts I encourage people to find a peaceful center before revving up the energy for the more exciting music and dancing. I go through all STILL-music for meditation, CHILL- music for activation THRILL-music for celebration
What are your long term goals in music? What’s the dream? *
Ahhh! The dream. In the end the dream is always about having joy filled life, and playing music… jamming out on the electric guitar… being onstage collaborating with other musicians, traveling, co-creating experiences with the audience. I play with many artists and it’s my greatest love to travel around playing in different situations. Big concerts, intimate house-parties, high-vibe festivals and events; the idea is to share peace love and positive vibes through music. And of course, creating abundant revenue streams that will enable me to live my life this way!! Also to create community of like-minded people, sharing ideas for uplifting and partaking in a joyful life! The short-term goal is to release two projects: 1) the next instrumental new age/world fusion album and 2) release my collection of “songs”. I am looking for funding for these projects, mostly for the PR and marketing end of things. I’d like help putting together a budget and a pitch plan to raise the money to do this. I’d like to have enough funding to really push forward a record/production company and bring like-minded artists under my umbrella , and get all this music out into the world, as a way to uplift and help people on their personal journeys to a happy life. LASTLY, creating a concert/gathering that is experiential, that uses music, some spoken word and maybe even some exercises to unlock the inner potential in all the ways I’ve been talking about.
What would you like to achieve in the next 12 months with The Songwriting Academy? *
1. Creating revenue is high on the list. 2. And here is something that I recently came up with. the “healing music/new age music” thing is very niche. I kind of fell into it and had some success with my albums. I have many friends who make all sorts of “positive” and “spiritual” and “new age” music too, and I would like to create a library of this type of music and find the music supervisors who look for this, and act as an agent for this music. My friends are artists and not really business people, so I am out here learning the ropes of sync so I can help push this music out in the world. From instrumental ambient, to frequency healing music, to chanting and kirtan, to world-fusion, to songs that clearly express messages of inner awakening, inner journey, positive outlook, I can be a resource for this type of vibe. I’d like to create relationships and a pipeline for this. Do you think this is possible? Who can help me with this?
3. Honing my writing skills. 4. Creating relationships for collaboration. Do I want a publishing deal, a record deal? PLUS 5 (and almost at the top of the list) I want to get my SONGS finished and released and out there. That means a concept album or a band with a band name.
What do you think you need to do in order to achieve your goals? *
I need the contacts and connections mostly. I need guidance and mentoring. For future projects I need collaborators. FOR album releases NOW though I need funding. (I recently learned that 3 of my friends who have production companies are getting private money for their projects. I had no idea!!! I wondered how they swung it). In the past, I self-financed my own albums. The way things are these days it’s hard to not only recoup but to turn a profit. I am looking for either grants, of people of means who see the value in what i’m doing and want to and sponsor this. But I need help making a plan for how to present for this. A video, perhaps? Any ideas?
How would you like The Songwriting Academy to help you? *
Thanks for asking. Some advice on my overall ideas would be helpful, a plan for moving forward, and getting connected with the industry people who can push the music out into the world. I have enough music already recorded (instrumentals already released, and many songs that are finished but need finishing touches on production) to really get started on creating relationships with supervisors that are into what I do. Again, there are 3 categories STILL (all the instrumental mediation yoga music), CHILL (chill out, world fusion) and the unreleased THIRLL (dancey, catchy, groovy songs with positive messages mostly.) I would also like to learn how to use these positive messages and teasing thoughts in lyrics without it being too preachy!
I have a Pandora channel, a Spotify station and Apple Music channel. In support, some friends leave these channels on in their homes and offices. Here is a link to find all platforms.
My album releases are :
Healing Music for Massage, Meditation and Transformation
Healing Music Volume 2 (won several awards)
Best of Healing Music
Reflections: The Yogic Journey of Life with Tao Porchon-Lynch
-I am a featured guitarist on the new album of Ananda Yogiji called “Flow Like The River”
-I am a featured guitarist on the new album by Saith called “In the New Day Sun”
– I have recordings on the compilations “Songs from the Circle” by Suzanne Doucet
– I have a collaboration with Cindy Paulos on her album “The Gift of Hope” where she recited spoken word to one of my instrumental tracks
-I was a featured bassist on the album of Sanjali called “Devarpana”
-My music is on all compilations of “The New Age Music Planet” including their new app.
If you would like to listen to more of my instrumental “peaceful music,” CLICK HERE for all the streaming and download platforms!!!
To learn more about me, here is a cool article in Music Woman Magazine- spring 2022 https://valerieromanoffmusic.com/valerie-romanoff-bandleader-and-producer/