On the eve of my interview Monday with Andy Kushner the of @weddingbizshow, I was reminded of a great exchange I had with Preston Bailey, shortly after collaborating on the music for his own wedding to Theo Bleckmann, a few years ago. It is amazing how certain concepts just continue to be true! Read the interview below…
” Dear Readers,
As a part of my vendor showcase series, I would like to share my interview with the extremely talented Valerie Romanoff of Starlight Orchestra.
First, I would like to thank you for being a part of our special day. How did you feel about the overall event?
I was delighted that you and Theo chose Starlight to collaborate on the music for your wedding. It was not only an honor but a wonderful challenge, as you both are so artistic with a flair for the dramatic. Creating musical backdrops to accompany your “monumental moments” was a great undertaking, and I am quite proud of how it came together.
You are a leader in the industry, how long have you been in the business?
I have been producing music for live events since the 80’s. I founded Starlight Orchestras (now Starlight Music New York) 20 years ago, and I have been performing with my own band since 1995.
What quality, do you feel make your services unique?
I have always wanted to present the highest quality possible, and have gone to great lengths to do so. The answer to your question is “never sacrificing quality,” regardless of the circumstances.
What are the ways you feel the industry is changing?
The industry has certainly changed in many ways over the years, but I am happy to say that people still want to celebrate marriage and have wonderful parties. There are many more options these days for what to do and how much to spend. There are many more “vendors” than ever before. And musically speaking, there are entire genres and categories of music that are new.
What has been the most valuable piece of advice you’ve received in your career?
My parents always gave me the message that anything is possible, and it is okay to dream big!
What would you tell someone who wants to achieve your success?
My motto has always been to follow your heart, to set intentions for what you want to manifest, and to keep focused upon that. Love what you do, and surround yourself with people who share your vision. The most important thing, really, is to be happy and have a life filled with joy.
Give us a quick view, of how your clients respond to your pricing?
Ah, the million dollar question! Our clients understand the value of what we create for them, and how superior it is to what it might have been if we didn’t go those extra miles. Creating supreme quality is costly, and the “better things” are more expensive to produce, in all ways. Starlight is certainly at the highest end of the price spectrum, and the clients who truly want something special are happy to engage us. They have high expectations, and we deliver. I am a strong believer that music can have a tremendous effect on every moment of an event, and I wish more clients and planners would allocate a larger portion of the overall budget toward this end.
How did you feel about the way we incorporated your expertise in the wedding?
We really mean it when we tell our clients we can customize the music for and with them. The magic is not only at the wedding itself, but in the experience we share during the planning process. You and Theo had access to not only me, but our production manager, sound designer, musical director/arranger as well as our event coordinator in the office. As clients, you involved my team in your overall vision, so we were able to make the best recommendations to pair the music to your special (and dramatic!) moments.
What was the most unexpected part of the evening for you?
The evening was incredibly magical, from Theo singing “You Make Me Feel So Young,” to your emerging out of the 12 foot wedding dress!
Joan Rivers was incredibly engaging as the officient. I loved being the one to BANG THE GONG to signify the stroke of midnight, the beginning of Valentine’s Day, and the commencement of your wedding. But my favorite part, after all these years of doing wedding together, was seeing you so incredibly happy and joyous at your own wedding. Thank you for having me be a part of it!
Where can readers find out more about your work?
Our westbsite gives an overview of the company. I also write about our events, and do a bit of microbloggin on instagram @valerieromanoff sIn addition, my original music (much of it for meditation and massage) can be found at ValRockMusic.bandcamp.com.
Thank you so much, Valerie!
Happy Friday!